Sunday 13 March 2016

My New Blog!

Hey internet,

I really don't know who's reading, but honestly, I don't care anymore.

This is my new blog! Manny's Little Things. I'm thinking of posting whatever I want on here, sometimes little rants, maybe adventures I go on, things I like, music I listen to... I don't know! I think a blog would be a great way to write little entries every few days or so, and share some stuff I want to talk about to the internet!

A little bit about me:
I'm currently in Grade 10 (sophomore, I believe?) in high school, and I'm a full time student. I am currently 15 years old, but I'm turning 16 on April 2nd! I live in Canada, and no, I don't have a pet polar bear, but... My igloo is pretty roomy at times ;) Some of my other hobbies include: dancing, being a neat freak, photography, videography, and listening to music. My favourite kind of weather is when the sun is shining, but it is behind a cloud. It's still warm, but you're not going to get sunburnt anytime soon. I also love camping, and the outdoors. I'll probably post some entries about camping trips that I go on with my school on here too.

There's a lot of other stuff you'll learn about me as I post more, but I think that's the gist of it for now! I'll try and post every couple of days, so that whoever is reading can learn a little bit more about my life.

If you're still reading, thanks a bunch! I hope that you'll come back and read more when I actually post my first blog post. :)

Lots of love,


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